• 13:06
  • Thursday ,03 November 2016

Sisi, EU’s Mashreq delegation talk bilateral cooperation


Home News


Thursday ,03 November 2016

Sisi, EU’s Mashreq delegation talk bilateral cooperation

 President Abdel Fatah al Sisi on Wednesday received Chairman of the European Parliament’s Delegation for Relations with the Mashreq countries Marisa Matias and her accompanying members of the delegation.

During the meeting, Sisi asserted his country’s keenness on promoting bilateral relations with the EU member states; Egypt’s largest commercial partner, to deal effectively with common challenges, including terrorism, illegal immigration and refugees, presidential spokesperson Alaa Youssef said in a statement Wednesday.
The president has called on the EU to pay more attention to issues that concern Egypt, including fight against terrorism, illegal immigration, and recovery of smuggled Egyptian funds.
For her part, Matias said talks with the Egyptian authorities regarding the case of slain Italian student Giulio Regeni was “positive” pointing out that Italy will appoint a new ambassador to Egypt in Jan. 2017.