• 23:52
  • Friday ,11 November 2016

New discovery at Thutmose III's temple in Luxor


Light News


Sunday ,13 November 2016

New discovery at Thutmose III's temple in Luxor
During the ninth archaeological field season, which started in September, the joint Spanish-Egyptian mission at the Temple of Millions of Years of Thutmose III, at Al-Deir Al-Bahari on Luxor's west bank, stumbled upon the tomb of the servant of the king’s house, Amenrenef.
Mahmoud Afifi, head of the Ancient Egyptian Antiquities Department at the Ministry of Antiquities told Ahram Online that the tomb was uncovered at the southern enclosure wall of the temple and is in a very good state of conservation. A deterriorated wooden coffin was found inside the tomb, he continued, but inside a beautiful and well-preserved mummy cartonnage was found.
Mission field director Egyptologist Myriam Seco Álvarez said that preliminary study has determined the name and title of the occupant of the tomb, who was the servant of the king’s house, Amenrenef. The tomb can thus be dated to the “Third Intermediate Period” (1070-712 BC).
Afifi said that in-depth study of the cartonnage is to be undertaken very soon.