• 02:53
  • Friday ,18 November 2016

Armenian genocide could be debated by Egypt’s parl’t after 300 MPs sign petition


Home News


Sunday ,20 November 2016

Armenian genocide could be debated by Egypt’s parl’t after 300 MPs sign petition

 The Egyptian parliament is preparing to include a draft resolution on condemning the Armenian genocide committed by Turkey in 1915 in its agenda, Armen Mazlumyan, head of the Armenian National Committee in Egypt said on Friday.

“MP Mustafa Bakry has briefed the members of the delegation on the stance of the Egyptian Parliament regarding the Armenian Genocide, affirming that they are preparing to present the resolution on condemning the massacres by Turkey to voting,” Russian news agency Sputnik quoted Mazlumyan.
According to Mazlumyan, Bakry said that more than 300 of the parliaments 596 members MPs have approved a petition initiated to recognize the Armenian genocide, in which 1.2 million Armenians were killed by the Ottoman Empire during and after World War I.
In response to the request of the Melkite Patriarch Gregory III Laham, the head of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church, the Armenian Orthodox Church in Cairo held a mass to commemorate the centenary of the massacre last year.
More than 20 countries, including Germany France and Russia have recognized the 1915 killings of Armenians as genocide, while Turkey has denied a systematic slaughter of Armenians as an ethnic group during World War One.
Relations between Egypt and Turkey have been tense since the ouster of former President Morsi in July 2013. Erdogan has repeatedly criticized the Egyptian government and called for Morsi’s release from detention.