• 16:42
  • Friday ,25 November 2016

Egypt condemns Iraq’s truck bombing attack


Home News


Friday ,25 November 2016

Egypt condemns Iraq’s truck bombing attack

 The Egyptian Foreign Ministry has condemned with the strongest words the terrorist bombing that rocked the Iraqi city of Hilla, which left scores of people dead and injured.

In a press release issued Thursday, foreign ministry spokesperson Ahmed Abu Zeid expressed condolences and support for the families of the victims, the Iraqi people and government, saying that the recent terror attack “confirms that terrorism is a global phenomenon requires consolidation of all efforts.”
At least 80 people have been killed in a truck bomb attack that struck at a petrol station and restaurant near Iraq’s Hilla, 100 km south of Baghdad on Thursday.
The Islamic State (IS) group claimed responsibility for the Thursday’s attack.
“Egypt maintains its position against terrorism, which terrifies innocent people and spreads chaos,” he said.