• 01:00
  • Thursday ,01 December 2016

4 new monks ordained at St. Mataous monastery in Luxor

Amany Moussa

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Thursday ,01 December 2016

4 new monks ordained at St. Mataous monastery in Luxor
Abba Mataous, head of the Syriac monastery in Wadil Natroun and supervisor of St. Mataous monastery in Luxor, ordained 4 new monks at St. Mataous monastery in Isna mountain in Luxor.
The new monks are Fathers Karas, Arsanious, Mina and Cyril of St. Mataous monastery.
It’s worth mentioning that the monastery has recently issued a statement to thank Pope Tawadros for appointing Abba Mataous a supervisor of the monastery and assured that there is no other monastery carrying the name of St. Mataous.