• 07:01
  • Tuesday ,28 February 2017

Tears of Copts in Al-Arish

Dr. Magid Ezzat Israel

Article Of The Day


Tuesday ,28 February 2017

Tears of Copts in Al-Arish

Copts are the descendants of the pharaohs and the origin of this country. They spread all over Egypt and believe that their land was blessed by the baby Jesus during his visit to Egypt. Those Copts are now facing forced displacement as they are targeted by ISIS in Sinai just like ISIS target Police and army.

8 Copts have been killed in recent weeks by the terrorist organization leading hundreds of Copts to flee Sinai to Ismailia leaving their homes, jobs, and schools. It was painful for them to see local and international media ignoring their suffering.
We know that elements of ISIS in Sinai are targeting the Copts, but the Egyptian government should have supported them by several means including hosting and securing them. Instead, the church hosted them and offered them houses and food.
Only on February 25, local and international media started talking about the forced displacement of Copts in Arish and the government started moving to help them following orders of the Egyptian presidency. 
I believe the army is going to move soon to fight a new battle in Arish to clean it from those terrorists and return the Copts back safe to their homes in Sinai.