• 03:52
  • Friday ,17 March 2017

Trusting God and working hard

Mena Habeeb

Article Of The Day


Friday ,17 March 2017

Trusting God and working hard

The Egyptians are known for being religious and being attached to their religion. Thus, they are willing to sacrifice even their lives to defend it. At many times, such love and belonging was interpreted as accepting a miserable life no matter how bad is it. Therefore, many times did the Egyptians accept being occupied and bad governments without really fighting against them. Furthermore, being manipulated by rulers who trade on religion to achieve their own interests was a common mistake in the Egyptian history. 

This was a key reason for retardation in Egypt for many years as many people claiming they trust God have abandoned justice, hard working, equal citizenship, and rule of law. Yet, they accepted bribery and nepotism though they clearly contradict with all religions!  
I believe that such religious attitude should be used as a motivation for hard working as it is clear that religious people are supposed to value hard working, faithfulness and sincerity. This is a good time to have the right understanding for religion in Egypt and to realize that a true religion should make the people enjoy a better life.