• 14:44
  • Tuesday ,20 June 2017

Egypt denounces London mosque attack, warns of Islamophobia


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Tuesday ,20 June 2017

Egypt denounces London mosque attack, warns of Islamophobia

Egypt s foreign ministry and leading Islamic authority Al-Azhar condemned Monday s attack on worshippers standing outside a mosque in London, which left one dead and 10 others injured.

The ministry s statement warned of Islamophobia as a threat to peaceful co-existence, calling on the international community to stand firm against terrorism of all kinds.
"Egypt strongly denounces all acts of terrorism and violence that are racially, ethnically or religiously motivated," the statement read.
A man ploughed his vehicle into a crowd of worshippers outside a north London mosque in the early hours of Monday.
Police said the 48-year-old white man who drove the van has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder.
Egypt s Al-Azhar, the highest seat of Sunni Muslim learning, condemned the attack as "sinful" and "racist," urging Western countries to take all necessary measures to combat Islamophobia.
"Al-Azhar affirms its total rejection of this terrorist, racist, sinful act, calling on Western countries to take all precautionary measures to curb the phenomenon of Islamophobia," the institution said in a statement.
Brtitish Prime Minister Theresa May said during a televised address that "like all terrorism, in whatever form, [the attack] shares the same fundamental goal. It seeks to drive us apart and to break the precious bonds of solidarity and citizenship that we share in this country. We will not let this happen."