• 02:49
  • Monday ,18 September 2017

ISIS throws 4 suicide bombers at US forces in northern Iraq

By AMN News

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Monday ,18 September 2017

ISIS throws 4 suicide bombers at US forces in northern Iraq
The ISIS terrorist group has launched a large suicide attack against US forces in northern Iraq.
According to Coalition reports, ISIS targeted an American base with four suicide bombers wearing explosive vests in the region of Hawija, north of Baghdad.
In the event none of the suicide bombers reached their target, being identified well in advance of even reaching the base perimeter. All four of the terrorist suicide bombers blew themselves up after the base defenders suppressed them with overwhelming gunfire.
Colonel Ryan Dillon of the US Army, a Coalition spokesperson, clarified that no American or Iraqi troops were killed or injured as a result of the attack and that only the four Islamic State kamikaze fighters were killed, dying at their own hands.