• 21:41
  • Monday ,16 October 2017

Mentally retarded

Mena Habeeb

Article Of The Day


Friday ,13 October 2017

Mentally retarded

A new Coptic Christian man was killed today to join the martyrs of the Coptic Church. This time he is a Coptic priest called Father Samaan Shehata, priest of St. Julius Al-Akfahsi Church in Baba Al-Fashn diocese. As the officials started to give their usual description to the murderer as mentally retarded, I searched the dictionary to find out more about that disease that gives professional murderers such motivation to commit their crimes.

A mentally retarded person is partly outdated and often no longer considered polite) intellectually disabled, medically defined as having an IQ (intelligence quotient) below 70 in addition to deficits in two or more adaptive behaviors (which means having problems with basic functional skills that affect every day, general living.
In fact, I was surprised to find nothing about having motivation to kill Copts in the definition as Egyptian officials use this expression exclusively with Coptic murders, but there was nothing related to Christina belief. I asked myself a question: why do we hear this description in Egyptian media only when it comes to murderers killing Christians! Maybe the disease must have had an evolution here in Egypt!
Seriously, we need a better description of the disease and we have to find the real cause of such attacks in our country including the hate speech that stops the Egyptian attempts to develop and offer better investments opportunities for better future.