• 18:15
  • Friday ,03 November 2017

Anti-terrorism operation continues in Egypts Western Desert: Armed Forces


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Friday ,03 November 2017

Anti-terrorism operation continues in Egypts Western Desert: Armed Forces

Egypt s Armed Forces announced on Wednesday that the joint military-police operation targeting terrorist hideouts in the Western Desert continued for the second day in a row, the Egyptian army said in a statement on Wednesday.

The Egyptian air forces - supported by special army commandoes units (Sae ka) and police - carried out airstrikes in southern Fayoum, killing all terrorist targets.

Security forces are currently combing the area for any terrorists who may have escaped.

The Armed Forces released a video of the airstrike, as well as photos showing the dead bodies of the terrorists and destroyed vehicles including a pickup truck fitted with machine guns.