• 03:13
  • Thursday ,15 February 2018

Families of the martyrs of Libya wait for their bodies as they celebrate their church inauguration

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Thursday ,15 February 2018

Families of the martyrs of Libya wait for their bodies as they celebrate their church inauguration

Abba Pfnotious, Bishop of Samalut, inaugurates the church of the 21 martyrs of Libya on Thursday in Awr village, where their families are still waiting for their bodies to be transferred from Libya.

The Coptic Orthodox Church of 21 Coptic Martyrs in Libya was built after the slain of 21 Copts by ISIS on the shores of Libya which was recorded by the terrorist organization and published in a horrible video.
The Holy Synod of the Coptic Orthodox Church declared February 15, a feast for all new martyrs of the modern history.