• 22:36
  • Thursday ,29 March 2018

The Chamber of Tourism Companies Reveals 20% decrease of Pilgrimage number among Copts


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Wednesday ,28 March 2018

The Chamber of Tourism Companies Reveals 20% decrease of Pilgrimage number among Copts

The Chamber of Tourism Companies Revealed 20% decrease in numbers of Copts who visited Jerusalem as Pilgrims this year comparing to the previous year. Sabri Yanni, member of the Chamber of Tourism Companies, said that such decrease comes with the bad economic conditions in Egypt as well as the bad political situation in Israel after the decision of Donald Trump to announce Jerusalem the Capital of Israel.

It added in statement that the number of Coptic pilgrims is estimated at 4000-4500 and the cost varies from 26.000 LE to 40.000 LE, which is offered by 20 Egyptian companies.