• 04:40
  • Wednesday ,18 April 2018

The real fuel of revolutions and terrorism

By-Ashraf Abdou

Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,18 April 2018

The real fuel of revolutions and terrorism

We saw that young people were the fuel of the Arab Spring revolutions including the revolutions of January 25 and June 30. They indeed saved Egypt from the tyranny and corruption of the Mubarak regime and its allies and their acquisition of the Egyptian economy and the domination of businessmen who were members of the National Party over all companies and factories. They led the sale and privatization of the public sector.

Those young people made a great mistake by leavening the Muslim Brotherhood dominate the revolution until they managed to dominate the Egyptian state and turn it into an Islamic Caliphate. Moreover, this mistake was repeated with the current president as the youth left the political businessmen and hypocrites to take over and almost turned the current president into a dictator.

The successive regimes in Egypt eliminated youth and played with them to achieve personal interests. The same happened by the terrorist groups that used the youth to carry out their attacks and kill innocent people in the name of religion following a Zionist plan to spread instability in the region. 

Unfortunately, these regimes are ignoring the youth and depriving them from their rights to rule their country after they deprived the youth from sport clubs and entities to care for them. It is worth mention gin that the youth committee is led by a 60 year-old man! Being so expensive, these clubs deprived many young people from joining them, which spread drug addiction, crime and bullying on the streets.  

The regimes deliberately prevented the majority of youth to have decent job opportunities through which young people can live and have a family. Instead, many people joined illegal groups that teach them to be terrorists who kill other Muslims while they are holding their prayers! Arab regimes should help the youth and use their power for the good by spreading values of tolerance and equal  citizenship in their communities