• 22:01
  • Wednesday ,16 May 2018

Coptic martyrs of Libya return home

By-Hani Sabry

Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,16 May 2018

Coptic martyrs of Libya return home

Egypt has restored the bodies of martyrs of the homeland and church who have been martyred in Libya in February 2015 by the terrorist organization of ISIS. Those who don t deserve to die were killed by those who don t deserve to live.

These martyrs are our role model since they became the heroes of the Christian faith. They impressed the whole world by their courage, strength and steadfastness. They manifested the history of Coptic martyrs that we ay glorify God in his saints and martyrs.
With the arrival of the bodies of those martyrs, our homeland was blessed and their courage was revealed after they have been tortured for 40 days refusing all temptations, and preferred to be with Christ even with death. The Coptic Church became very proud of the strong faith of its children after the circumstances of the incident were uncovered.
God does not forget his sons who honored him and offered their lives as sacrifices for Him. The Egyptian state has made great efforts to avenge the blood of its sons as the Egyptian armed forces moved within hours of the incident to attack targets of the enemies in Libya. It coordinated with the Libyan authorities, which we also thank for all the efforts made in this regard. Such cooperation led to return the bodies of the martyrs to the homeland to prove how precious is their blood.
Their pure bodies have been buried in their church, which was established in their name on the land of the village of Aour in Samalut, Minya. The church will be a witness before the world for the greatness and strength of the Christian faith.