• 21:29
  • Friday ,27 July 2018

You are rich

Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Sunday ,29 July 2018

You are rich

Every day and everywhere you can hear or read this sentence” I want to be rich”. Many times I try to go with the flow and say to myself the same like others “I wish to be rich as well”, however, I tried to think about this word lately and contemplate little bit.

The definition of rich is vary and not determined in any encyclopedia, even the UN didn’t come with a definition of what does it mean to be rich.
Being rich is a dream for most of people in the west, east, a dream of a poor and even rich to be richer, a dream of young and older, a dream of men and woman, a dream of some kids even.
I don’t want to be that person give a sermon about being rich is not good or good thing, however, I just want to address that being rich is not just about money but also you have consider yourself rich if you have something, other don’t.
In my view being rich should be defined as you have something, others lack of so If you have health and others don’t, you are rich. If you have school to go and other don’t you are rich, if you have parents and other don’t you are rich, if you have wife and other don’t you are rich, if you have place to live and other don’t, you are rich, if you have job and other don’t you are rich, if you have ability to play and other don’t so you are rich, if you can smile and other can’t so you are rich, if you have brothers or sisters and other don’t so you are rich, if you have a talent and other don’t, so you are rich.
In conclusion, you need just to believe that you are rich and you don’t need to dream to be rich because everyone is rich in a certain way.