• 03:06
  • Monday ,13 August 2018

Egypt police reveal identity of bomber behind failed attack on Qalioubiya church


Copts and Poliltical Islam


Monday ,13 August 2018

Egypt police reveal identity of bomber behind failed attack on Qalioubiya church

Egypt s interior ministry revealed on Sunday the identity of a suicide bomber involved in a failed attack on a church in Qalioubiya governorate on Saturday, and has arrested six others involved in the case, including two women.

The attacker has been identified as 29-year-old Omar Mostafa, a member of a terrorist cell that has attempted to carry out a number of attacks, including the one on the Virgin Mary Church in Qalioubiya s Mostord on Saturday.

Mostafa, who was wearing an explosive belt, tried to infiltrate worshippers gathered at the church for a service commemorating the annual Fast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, which began on 7 August and concludes on 22 August.

Due to the heavy security presence, Mostafa s explosives detonated before he could enter the church, killing the suspect in the process.

According to the ministry s statement, police found at Mostafa s apartment a number of weapons and ammunition, as well as cash and documents on manufacturing explosives.

The six other suspects were found with a number of explosives and ammunition in their apartments.

According to investigations, Mostafa met with two of the suspects near the church before the attack.

Egypt s police have been bolstering security at churches nationwide to ensure the safety of Christian worshippers, who have been the target of a number of terrorist attacks in recent years.