• 07:02
  • Thursday ,16 August 2018

I was brought low, and He saved me

By-Samia Ayyad

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,16 August 2018

I was brought low, and He saved me

If anyone desires to be first, he shall be last of all and servant of all.  This is how Jesus Christ told His disciples to do and to refrain from pride.

Bishop Takla, in his article  The Last of All  assured us that humility is one of the important virtues of our lives and our omnipresence. Such humility was said by Abba Moussa the Black to be the best of all virtues just like pride is the worst evil.
Humility is to look at your own sins instead of judging other people. This will make you always ask for mercy. Therefore, those who follow the path of humility will never fall since they are supported and guarded by the Lord. However, the arrogant loses his eternity because he falls in sin. 
The importance of humility in that it is the basis of our salvation  I was brought low, and He saved me.  (Psalm 116) The arrogant will not be saved since he doesn t feel the need to salvation. Moreover, such arrogance was the reason behind the fall of angels to be devils and it is the devil s weak point.  
The acquisition of humility comes in many practices, the most important of which is obedience and not judging others. The humble man sees only the sins of himself, not complaining about accepting God s gift, no matter how simple. To gain humility, one should toil in ministry and judge oneself. Give us, O Lord, the virtue of humility to win our salvation, and to live in your fear away from arrogance and vanity that leads to sin and destruction.