• 07:34
  • Thursday ,23 August 2018

The good teacher

By-Samia Ayyad

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,23 August 2018

The good teacher

Teaching in the Church is the basis of our salvation. Through teaching, man realizes the basis of true faith and the relation with God. Thus, Jesus Christ, being the good teacher, put curricula for teaching his disciples. 

In the article  Christ the Teacher , Abba Pachomius, former acting Patriarch, assured us that education in our church is necessary to know the foundations of the true Christian faith. Therefore, our teacher Paul recommends his pupil Timothy to  Observe himself and teaching , and the Lord Jesus has put us a Proper education after he started his ministry by preaching on the mountain as his first work among the multitudes. 
One of the features of the teaching methods used by the Lord Jesus was the unlimited love to his children. He proved such love in word and deed. The Samaritan woman experienced such love when he walked a long distance and waited to restore her soul. Even when he had to be tough, his toughness was full of love like when he expelled the sellers of pigeons from the temple, his act was motivated by jealousy and love for the commandments of the law. 
Jesus Christ was long suffering and when his disciples asked him why he sat with a Samaritan woman, he explained to them his vision of the salvation of all humankind. He faced their doubt with great patience like what he did when Thomas questioned his resurrection.
The Lord Jesus was an example before he was a teacher. He forgave before he taught them about forgiveness. His love was an example before his people.