• 12:22
  • Monday ,17 September 2018

Sisi discusses illegal migration, regional issues with EU council president, Austrias chancellor


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Monday ,17 September 2018

Sisi discusses illegal migration, regional issues with EU council president, Austrias chancellor

Egypt s President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi discussed in a meeting in Cairo Sunday efforts in fighting illegal migration and a number of regional issues with the President of the EU Council Donald Tusk and the Chancellor of Austria Sebastian Kurz, the Egyptian Presidency said in a statement.

El-Sisi reviewed with Kurz and Tusk Egypt s own efforts in combating the illegal migration problem and securing its land and sea borders especially with instability in neighboring countries.
The Egyptian president also stated during the meeting that the EU enjoyed an important place in the framework of Egypt s foreign ministry, not only because it is the country s main trade partner but also due to the common challenges Egypt and the EU face on both sides of the Mediterranean.
The President also stressed to his European guests that Egypt had not recorded a single case of illegal migration since 2016.
El-Sisi said that millions of refugees enjoy equal treatment in the country among the population without any isolation in refugee camps.
The President discussed with Tusk and Kurz  the latest developments in the Middle East especially in Libya and Syria, where they all agreed political settlements can put an end to fighting as well as illegal migration.
From their side, Tusk and Kurz expressed their appreciation for the bilateral relations with Egypt, stressing on Egypt s important role in the Middle East.  
Egypt s foreign minister Sameh Shoukry, the head of General Intelligence Directorate Abbas Kamel, the head of the EU commission in Cairo and Austria s ambassador s attended the meeting. 
El-Sisi and his guests agreed on the importance of Arab-European coordination to face regional challenges and threats, and stressed on the importance of the upcoming EU-Arab summit as a perfect opportunity to exchange views and boost cooperation.