• 14:31
  • Monday ,12 December 2011

Conflict getting worse among the parties in Suez: The Brotherhood The Free Egyptians and The Light make progress


Home News


Monday ,12 December 2011

Conflict getting worse among the parties in Suez: The Brotherhood The Free Egyptians and The Light make progress

The Suez governorate witnesses a conflict among 12 parties for the membership of the People’s Assembly.  The main parties there are: The Muslim Brotherhood, The Free Egyptians, and The Salafi.

  The Brotherhood relies on the marches and opening a number of committees in various areas especially the popular ones besides gathering their supporters. The party of “The Free Egyptians” have great popularity among youth and the Copts support them as well. Though its recent experience, it becomes a symbol of “The Egyptian Mass” which depends on the educated class.
  In addition to that there are the parties of Light, Construction and Development, and The Originality. The “Light Party” depends on the marches and the propaganda and the union of its members as well.
  On the other hand there are the parties of National Egypt which is called as “remnants” by the Egyptians. Also the Wafd Party that needs more popularity despite its various seminars and conferences. Besides the Center Party and The Justice one while stand at the very end those parties as: The Reform and Development, The Conservatives, and The Freedom.