• 01:56
  • Wednesday ,25 April 2012

Hamdeen Sabahi: I will open the crossings before the Palestinians and support the resistance

By-Emad Tomas

Top Stories


Wednesday ,25 April 2012

Hamdeen Sabahi: I will open the crossings before the Palestinians and support the resistance

During his visit to Menoufeya, Hamdeen Sabahi the presidential candidate talked about his platform for developing Egypt and converting it from a developing country to a developed one where the citizens will enjoy a decent life with freedom, dignity and justice.

Hamdeen said that he can’t do this on his own, but he needs all Egyptians to work together like they did in Tahiri square. He added that his platform is based on the basic demands of the revolution which are: “Freedom, social justice and human dignity". He added: "We want a country that realizes the value of religion in everything, thus the second Article should remain without taking the rights of the Copts.
About the Egyptian Israeli relations Hamdeen said: "I am against Camp David treaty but I will not go into war with Israel, because my first war will be inside Egypt against poverty, unemployment, spinsterhood and corruption"
Hamdeen said that if he becomes the president, he will open the crossings before the Palestinians as well as supporting them.
Hamdeen added that his platform ensures eight human major rights for the Egyptian citizens which are: Food, housing, treatment, education, employment and fair wages, comprehensive insurance and the right to live in a clean environment, as well as transferring Egypt into a developed country such as Brazil, Malaysia and Turkey.