• 14:37
  • Thursday ,26 April 2012

Union of Coptic organizations calls the judiciary to reject the Salafist blackmail

By-Michael Faris

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Thursday ,26 April 2012

Union of Coptic organizations calls the judiciary to reject the Salafist blackmail

The Union of Coptic organizations in Europe denounced the verdict against the great comedian Adel Imam as the court uphold a conviction against him, sentencing him to 3 months in jail and a fine of 170$ for offending Islam in some of his most popular films 

It described the ruling as severe setback for freedom of speech in Egypt, and wondered about the future of art in Egypt in the time extremists are taking revenge of all their opponents everywhere. 
Union of Coptic organizations called the Egyptian judiciary not to submit to the blackmail of the Salafis which will lead Egypt back to the stone age. 
At the same time, the union rejected the continues persecution for Christians during the time of Sadat and Mubarak, and through acquittal of every Muslim who commits crimes against the Copts like the court ruling against those who had cut the ear of a Coptic man called Ayman Tharwat Demetry, as they accused him of having a romantic relationship with a Muslim woman which was proven later to be not true after they had cut his ear.