• 22:18
  • Monday ,14 May 2012

Is it revenge From Egypt or Just Jealousy?

J.M Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Monday ,14 May 2012

Is it revenge From Egypt or Just Jealousy?

 As I was Watching BBC news and other broadcasting news channels to keep a close eye on the events of last Friday my biological clock stopped and start rolling back in time to last century! The absent minded people who decided to demolish last strong still standing institution of Egypt that no body ever dared to attack not even Israel upon their 1967 triumph! The ministry of defence is not MC and it only temporarily hosted MC –Military Council- offices as part of the whole defence institution. Who wants to take away this institution means he wants Egypt defend less, wants to brink Egypt to a no return civil war want the full catastrophe of Egypt, wants to repeat the Lebanon catastrophe of last century when Lebanon was drugged to a full none sense civil war a pure craziness as I heart at the time from an outsider watching the CNN news of Lebanon war, he said in loud voice this is pure craziness every one is killing every one and FOR WHAT?

I recall at that time the association of Kamal Gomboulat,  PLO –Palestinian Liberation Organization- kicked away from Jordan and settled in Lebanon trying to create an state within the state with its own laws! Hamas infiltrating within the PLO until strong enough to become an entity, Christian Lebanese fighting Muslim Lebanese with the help and blessings of Hamas the Muslim MB fighters who fight for imposing Islam on the Middle East not the liberation of Palestine! In brief Lebanon Civil war was kill every one Lebanese people kill each other for a party or religion or any other reason, Palestinians Refugees kill each other for PLO or Hamas, Lebanese vs Palestinians, Israel against every one from that side of the world in a self defence stance! Is that what they try to do to Egypt?
  Watching the news and listening to analysers no mater who is the speaker as different speakers speak their party views not Egypt’s best interest! So I do not pay attention as who the speakers are I just pick up right sentences and reject promotional ones without even knowing to which party the speaker belongs! One of the speakers said there is a conspiracy from Arabian Golf countries that provide financial support to MB, they have secret plans using MB as their main tool! 
Tool what for? Never said! But my thoughts as they where already in the last century Lebanon Civil War went further to the mid of that century the fifties, its revolution in Egypt Jamal Abd El Nasser  and all what followed that 1952 revolution!
Before I continue with this 1952 revolution I wish to point and underline 2 simple facts first I’m not one of the Nasser era supporters, and second and most important I loved him, and felt Egypt lost its father when Nasser died and cried! However, I was just a young guy who only learnt at school that Farouk was evil and Nasser was the God’s sent Angel to save Egypt! At school teachers taught me the 2-3 magical sentences that will grant me the full mark in any composition:- And all that become possible and reality thanks to the 23rd Of July revolution God bless the revolution and its leader Jamal Abd El Nasser!
I’m not that young person any more and went to lots of endless discussions with Nasser Supporters, as facts and history keeps revealing hidden facts Nasser and his trustworthy guys kept as secrets!
To me Nasser was a true Egyptian who wanted the best for Egypt, he was honest and did not try to steal Egyptian people money his back account and personal belongings reflacted this simple fact! But he did lots of mistakes that as a human I forgive him doing mistakes but as a leader I reject them, he tried to be not just Egyptian Leader but tried to create the Arabian Nation entity sacrificing the Egyptian entity, what a huge unforgiving mistake Egypt was and remains a LEADER as EGYPT not as any other entity!
The other huge mistake was that Nasser was not a politician, he was an army general who treated Egypt and Egyptians as solders he was some how under the influence of MB which he had to join at a point of time in his honourable struggle for Egypt and its dignity that the 1948 war on Israel ended by a defeat!
He gave powers to the trustworthy people not the experienced ones, this was the centre of the so called later one centres of power the Sadat rectification revolution took away lime Salah Nasr the Egyptian Intelligence head officer to name one! 
As an army general he would accept no second opinion, this is known as dictatorship, he wanted to pill off Anthony Eden beard hear by hear, and insulted King Hussein the King of Jordan, was in bad terms with King of Saudi Arabia, and sent the Egyptian Army to fight in Yemen, in brief he treated the world too as SOLDERS that have to obey not as equals who have their opposing opinions and needs to be discussed as politicians! 
All this history makes me wonder could it be somewhere someone wants to revenge from what Egypt has done to them just like Iran who took it personal vengeance from Sadat for hosting and respecting the expelled shah of Iran?
Lots of question marks, unanswered, as I keep thinking and analysing with my limited knowledge awaiting impatiently more secrets to be uncovered and put the dots on the (i)’s  as they say and for true we need to learn from history and never expect that history will be repeated, cause similar circumstances can never reproduce same outcome. This is not a chemical reaction governed by the laws of physics and chemistry, it’s human beings that some of them learn well the lessons of history, and some others absent minded as they are can not learn they just expect same old outcome and when surprised with different results they still do not understand why this happen and want to force change over a river of blood pure innocent blood can never be the way to change the world! The worst of the French revolution was how much blood was shed, and the best of the 23rd Of July revolution was no blood was shed, true the evil ex-king Farouk remarkable words, I give up my throne no too see Egyptian Blood shed for it! 
I wish all those bloody people who want to force their way to a presidential chair over rivers of blood to reconsider, this blood is Egyptian Blood and way too valuable; I wish they realise Egypt was and remains Egypt, Nasser Leadership would had been way much better if he had consider to lead the Arab Nations under the Egyptian FLAG not a presumed Arabian Entity that was never the original entity of Egypt! Egypt can as Egypt lead not only the Arabs but the whole world if they just are given the proper chance!
God Blass Egypt and Egyptians!