• 08:26
  • Monday ,21 May 2012

Abouel Fotouh wins presidential race in Qatar

By-Almasry Alyoum

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Monday ,21 May 2012

Abouel Fotouh wins presidential race in Qatar

Voting results from Egyptian expatriates in Qatar, announced Saturday evening, showed Abdel Moneim Abouel Fotouh won the race in the Gulf country.

A diplomatic source from the Egyptian Embassy in Doha said there was a turnout of 19673.
Abouel Fotouh garnered 6134 votes to win, and was followed by Mohamed Morsy with 5975 votes. Hamdeen Sabbahi came in third with 3274 votes, Amr Moussa fourth with 2143 votes, Ahmed Shafiq fifth with 1191 votes, and Mohamed Selim al-Awa sixth with 299 votes. Khaled Ali received 121 votes, the diplomatic source said.
The source added that only 19178 votes were deemed valid, while 495 were invalid.
The sorting process in Qatar started Friday afternoon and continued until Saturday afternoon with the presence of representatives from Abouel Foutouh, Morsy and Sabbahi campaigns.
Abouel Fotouh representative Ahmed Abdel Hamid and Ahmed Shalaby asserted that the sorting process was carried out amid complete transparency and impartiality on part of the members of the committee supervising the elections and the embassy staff.