• 00:55
  • Monday ,25 June 2012

Brotherhood terminates Morsy’s membership in group and FJP

By-Almasry Alyoum

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Monday ,25 June 2012

Brotherhood terminates Morsy’s membership in group and FJP

The Muslim Brotherhood has terminated Mohamed Morsy's membership in the group and the Freedom and Justice Party, following the announcement of his victory in the presidential election runoff.

“We have terminated Morsy’s membership in fulfillment of our promise when he becomes president of all Egyptians,” said Mahmoud Hussein, the group's secretary general.
Farouk Sultan, chairman of the Presidential Election Commission, had declared Morsy the winner with 13,230,181 votes compared to Shafiq's 12,347,380 votes. There were 50,958,794 registered voters, with 26,420,763 casting their votes. There were 843,252 invalid votes.