• 23:42
  • Monday ,02 July 2012

Revolution Youth Coalition to announce dissolution

By-Almasry Alyoum

Home News


Monday ,02 July 2012

Revolution Youth Coalition to announce dissolution

 Members of the Revolution Youth Coalition announced that they would hold a news conference at El Sawy Culture Wheel on Tuesday to announce its dissolution. The coalition was the first political youth entity launched during the revolution.  It began with a limited number of movements, which then expanded following the revolution to include youth with various political ideologies.

Shady al-Ghazali Harb, one of the coalition's founders, said “the decision to disband the coalition comes after the end of coalition’s true role.” He went on to say that the a large number of goals set by the coalition in its strategy had been achieved, the most recent of which was the handover of power, albeit partially, to the first civilian president-elect, not to mention the integration of its members in new political entities such as the National Front, and other parties that have been recently established.
“We have done our job and now it is time to go. Since the moment we launched the coalition, we agreed it was linked to the transitional phase Egypt was going through,” he said, adding that a large number of public and political figures would be in attendance and that they would give their account of the coalition's performance.
He said that the revolutionary movements and youth and protest forces that emerged during the past year and a half would continue the path.
Mohammed Qasas, a member of the coalition’s executive office, said there is a dispute between him and some of the members over the timing of the dissolution, but that the coalition had always had specific goals, most of which have been accomplished. He said the remaining goals can be achieved through pressure and new organizations.