• 17:26
  • Friday ,03 August 2012

Nour Party boycotts new government

By-Almasry Alyoum

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Friday ,03 August 2012

Nour Party boycotts new government

 The Salafi-oriented Nour Party said it had rejected an appointment in President Mohamed Morsy's new government.

A party leader, who requested anonymity, said that Prime Minister-designate Hesham Qandil telephoned party member Khaled Allam Al-Deen Wednesday to offer him the environment minister post. The party rejected the offer, saying it was an insult from the prime minister.
The anonymous party source said Nour would hold a press conference Friday to explain its boycott of the new government.
Morsy had promised the party three ministries in the upcoming cabinet, in addition to the position of vice president, the source claimed, but all those promises evaporated when Qandil was appointed prime minister.
Nour leader Younis Makhyoun also said the party has decided to withdraw from the newly formed government, adding that the Environment Ministry is “not worthy” of the party.
Several rifts have emerged between more moderate Islamist groups and the conservative Salafis recently over the drafting of the new constitution and formation of the new government, among other issues. Along with other Salafis, the Nour Party recently announced it would break from its previous Islamist alliance in the next parliamentary elections.
Neither the government nor the Muslim Brotherhood consulted the party while choosing ministers, according to Makhyoun, who said the party has suggested many qualified candidates.
The Nour Party is not angry over the cabinet formation and wishes the new government success, he added.