• 17:18
  • Wednesday ,06 January 2010

Christmas … blessed by the Holy Virgin

Youseef Sidhom



Monday ,05 January 2009

Christmas … blessed by the Holy Virgin

Christmas comes this year as the people of Egypt bask in the blessings of the Holy Virgin, Mother of God, and her luminous apparition on the domes of her church in Warraq, Giza. Just as her son, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, came to our world to freely offer all humankind salvation, comfort, and hope, the Holy Virgin came to deliver a tender message of love to all. I truly wish that all the people of Egypt would relish these wonderful sentiments in their full depth, and thereby crush the devil of hatred and misery that threatens us.

My best wishes for a happy, blessed, prosperous new year to all Egyptians. My wishes for a blessed Christmas go to the head of the Coptic Orthodox Church His Holiness Pope Shenouda III and all our honourable archbishops, bishops, pastors and congregations; as well as to the heads, clergy and congregations of all Christian Churches in Egypt.
May the good Lord protect and bless His Church and His people.