• 17:19
  • Wednesday ,06 January 2010

Any religion can produce these kind of people

By-John Doe



Monday ,05 January 2009

Any religion can produce these kind of people
This picture was taken from his body the Iraqi Catholic priest Ragheed before burial and killing Muslims in Iraq with three Hmamsth barrage of bullets, not death, but Ictvo have represented his body and his eyes Samaro Psych protected in pursuance of age oversaw the creation, the Messenger of Mercy, who Amrqubl fourteen centuries ago Ptsmir the eyes of some sponsors and maim, but the difference that herders Kano alive before Tzmrajunhm and cut the limbs, where he says they talk Attco did not give them water. I do not know why he killed the martyr priest off Ptsmir his eyes after death and the reason for that. Is it possible that those thugs belong to the human race.
This reminded me of the nineteenth century the situation Bshahyd Ashralqubty Sidhom Bishay, who won the hardest types of suffering and brutality in the era of Muhammad Ali. Nspo charged with false and given him the choice between the Islamization or death, but he preferred martyrdom, however painful, and bitterness, and have remained beating him with sticks, dragged kicking and kicking him in the face on the streets of Damietta cheers of thousands of mobs zoomed in and ridicule and insults, death to take the dispute for four days. Not only has the Islamic human monsters, but on the fourth day Skpo on the point of boiling tar before he died. You could free himself of his human rights and it would be like the ferocious monster and it would take on such a scale and inferiority.
Ten years ago At the beginning of the twenty-first century, following the Messenger of Mercy appalled the civilized world massacre Kosheh. The monsters of humanity - with the complicity of the brave security men - killed and twenty-one martyrs Copts, and again went on Shukku mutilated the bodies and necks after the killings in pursuance of age oversaw creation. It was among them minors, a young man and child in the first with her, the girl martyr Mason Ghattas. Not ruthless mob her childhood and being female, but also by the Vtko monster kills prey. No manhood Y. Nkhup any religion can reach Bmatnekaya to these atrocities.
At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Muslim Turks, in the absence of the world preoccupied with World War I genocide of a million and a half million Armenians and Assyrians, as well as Kanu heads separated after the killings over the bayonets and attach, and then escaped from the takers of their children and forced them to Islam. As well as in the eighties of the twentieth century and over the eight years, the strengthening of Muslims in northern Sudan from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states and Arab mercenaries extermination of two million men Msihieddiy southern Sudan, and then Aghtsabo and enslaved their women and children all brutal and horrible. There are hundreds of stories about concerts mass rape for women and children, and many male children did not rape and Ithmilo Vkaddo their lives in the scene where Muslims to prevent them medical care, either, the surviving children were forced Islamization, as did the Turks, even Bivo numbers to the religion of the Messenger of Islam, who said the Muslims - and Tcathero Tzaozhu Vanni Splurged you on Resurrection - What is important is to have a number and not quality. So now the Islamic countries in the ranks of the United scum many in number and a few morals. Dependent on the civilized nations of mankind did not provide any contribution to the progress and upgrading Alepeshrpl provided with terrorism and corruption and ugliness and degradation.
The Copts in Egypt are still all kinds of grievances of murder, extermination and looting, abductions of girls and minors, under the Mubarak government, which criminalizes corrupt the victim and protects the murderer and the oppressor, it is still the perpetrators of Kosheh are free not to any employee pension fund for trial even though they are all known to the security men. Is it possible that a corruption to this extent. As well as our fellow Christians in Iraq are suffering from genocide and displacement under the government unable to protect them may be corrupt, too. How long you follow the Messenger of Mercy, you just forgot the sky?
If we tried to analyze the personal hardline Muslim - have become masters now in the vast Arab and Muslim world - to see how he has become like a hideous monster, a lover of bloodshed and mutilation and the business of murder, genocide, even for children and women without remorse or prick of conscience, we find that the Messenger of Islam itself is responsible for that, can produce a raptor bath, or reap dividends well from a patient fetid tree full of thorns.
How can we expect to result in religion of the Messenger of Mercy human beings better than this quality, which in our hands, The Messenger of Islam personally delights of bloodshed and suffering sadism and perhaps schizophrenia. Pain or order hard-old cinnamon between two camels. Pain sends people to kill Asma bint Marwan - was breastfeeding her child - say talk about the killer \"Venhy baby aside and Sheathe his sword in the chest\" - and crime because they were Bahjaeh, Is there any manhood in the murder of two women, no matter how monstrous Bhz Jermhn. Pain not to annihilate the Messenger nine hundred Jewish man from the tribe of Bani Qurayza and the captivity of their wives and their children, and raped the wife Safiya bint Hieddiy chief of the tribe - which has become the mother of the faithful later - on the same day that killed her husband and her father and brother. Pain not invasions, looting the wealth of the tribes were able to deceive Bdhaih combatants and disgusted and disillusioned that the orders of God and tempted Balihuriaat and newborn health in heaven, but also promised the women in the world and attracted by his mother\'s invasion of safe Egnmo Yellow Girls (blondes) and not to propagate Islam. It has done so inexhaustible Mujahideen Army deluded idiots and ensure its survival in the force.
I wish in conclusion to comment on the role of the Egyptian press and Arab downward obscures the violence affecting the Copts Msihieddiy or Iraq or Sudan, did not receive Kosheh incident or massacres Christians of Iraq and Sudan to cover any mention, while they Baltroyej and cheer on world events involving Muslims, although minority group or I can almost say that lack of it. When Israel killed Palestinian Child \"Dorah\" error, raced the brave men of the Egyptian media to write hundreds of articles and Karzoachaar and Mooel, they did as well as in the case of Marwa El-Sherbini the extent that the government deemed its Almguarh street name and Djalo veil of a martyr, while the twenty-first of the martyrs not interested in government Koshah Egyptian unjust to punish any of the criminals.
He was awarded the child Filsti the dignity of the Egyptian press has not been given to the martyrs of Kosheh indigenous people of Egypt. Where your conscience you media Egypt, Alhzh class Avkdkm Aslamkm your feelings to your partner at home. Israel, which Talnnounaa your articles every day in the lives of more than a million Arabs have access to full rights and their representatives in the National Assembly of Israel. But the Copts at home and Mgbonin Mtahonin do not get a part in the per cent of their rights in relation to rights granted by Israel\'s Arab citizens, and you Ngamadon Tsamun your eyes and ears for the injustice inflicted upon them - believe it who said that the enemy of rational best friend is ignorant.
I can not fail to mention that there are some honest journalists and intellectuals in Egypt who Agafo and Iagafo to Christians, such as by the late martyr Farag Fouda, who paid with his life in support of the right, like Dr. Tarek Heggy and Acanutorsid Qimni, Abdel-Rahim Ali, may Allah their lives - they are a minority in a sea of militants which is utterly devoid of conscience - and the fate of the late Junbhm Farag Foda. There is also a secretary-like figures, but the memory Khantny remember their names. Jazahm God all the best.