• 11:04
  • Friday ,31 August 2012

Starting from the end!

Abram Makar

Article Of The Day


Friday ,31 August 2012

Starting from the end!

Freedoms have been affected so badly since President Mohammed Morsy took office. He couldn't tolerate to be criticized for more than 40 days. So, He confiscated Al-Dostour and Sout Al-Oma newspapers, and closed Al-Faraain satellite channel without a court ruling! Journalists and anchors have been attacked and their cars have been destroyed in Media production city! in addition to arresting Editors-in-Chief like: Adel Hamouda, Abdul Halim Kandil, Islam Afifi accusing them of insulting the president.

Furthermore, Shura Council has appointed 47 Editors-in-Chief mostly of Muslim Brotherhood including those who were charged of writing articles inciting hatred based on religion. Consequently, many articles were canceled and a lot of writers were prevented from writing. Such practices are totally unacceptable after having a revolution in which thousands of young people were killed for the sake of their freedom!

Dr. Mohamed Morsy has to realize that he is now the president of Egypt, which is totally different from being a university professor, an MP or even a prisoner in Wadil Natroun prison. Moreover, Egypt now suffers from many problems and there is no place for such disputes or taking revenge, and this is how all politicians suffer all over the world. In America, Radar magazine has published nude pictures of Obama and Hillary Clinton, and “Leadership from the back" book by the journalist Rich Mintier was recently published, in which he says about Obama that he is weak, hesitant and his advisers takes his decisions! This is what happens in all democratic countries.

Dr. Mohamed El Baradei is another good example; for since 2009, El Baradei has been under attack by supporters of the former regime or even after the revolution. They spread false stories about his life and his family. Furthermore, they claimed he is responsible for the wars in Iraq and Sudan. They even charged him of defamation of Islam and many other accusations. During these 3 years, he has been attacked, but he's never responded or sued such newspapers or writers as he is a patriot man who truly believes in democracy.

Any Arab ruler is transfered to a dictator in few years of the beginning of his reign. Then, he starts to use expressions like: “insulting the president" and "diminution the prestige of the state" and so on in order to suppress and imprison his opponents. Will Morsy learn from Mubarak and apply his techniques now starting from his end!