• 06:36
  • Monday ,03 September 2012

I'm Lost

J.M Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Monday ,03 September 2012

I'm Lost

It is a common practice new president new policies whatever they are new opposition every thing is new France got a new president few days older than the Egyptian president with two main differences: First Francois Halland was elected not forced to the presidential sit Second he represents the number three country in the world trying to become the second in his race with England as they both England and France left the race for the 1st to the Americans.

We did not see Francois visiting Italy or Spain he sat in his chair looked at his targets and plans and started by raising salaries and other urgent matters social or international. We see our president who at all moments trying to convince himslef before the other Egyptians that he was ELECTED by the majority, and it is well known that the military council had let him out of jail did not try to arrest him or stop him from becoming the president in spite of exposed tries to fake results, until proven as events develop and shows the real deals under the tables cooked since early days of February 2011 and before Ex-President Hosny Mubarak forced off his sit!
For sure ex-president was forced off his presidential sit but by whom? I thought like all Egyptians that the urising of January 25th forced him to step down but let us read the events over as lots of unknown facts unfolded and the picture become clearer … There was an unrest, poverty, injustice and the daily bread of a lot of people become uncertain or under the mercy of powerful wealthy people who built their empire thieving Egyptian resources and people underpaid just for a few more coins in the safe of those emperors. It was not the first stand up and probably if events where driven otherwise would not be the last.
Peole stood firm demanding the president to step down and his regime, to which he, the president, responded by accepting the resignation of his cabinet! Mean time as the police and local security forces failed to dismiss the crowd his intention was to use his last resource the ARMY to which he was his HIEST CHIEF COMMANDER as a president and the whole Military Council under his ORDERS...Actually some unites of the army went to secure the National Museum in Tahrir or so was said then. 
Behind closed door it was announced that the Military Council was in continuous session, was that announcement by MC or under order from his higher chief commender no body knows, but if the MC is acting without the orders of his commander this means they decided to take over the power as the most powerful institution of all times in Egypt. This means a Coup  that is Coup is regime change through peaceful means (coup white) or non-peaceful and usually from within the ruling establishment itself, whether political or civil governing states. This means they need to announce clearly they did a COUP and popular support and put stages and steps to be done leaving the people to accept it or reject it and the people then were ready to accept any thing!
But this never happened instead we saw the famous KAMEL BATTLE that MB planned and executed and tried to accuse General Ahmed Shafik, and Omar Souleiman (R.I.P).
Mean while MB prisoners where freed and at large including an MB spy who was in contact with foreign dormant or active MB cells outside the country and belong to other nationalities which by all means puts it under the criminal laws as a SPY!
Freed MB leaders with MC council planned and forced Mubarak of his sit and the word including Egyptians thought he did step down on his own free will to leave Egyptians decide their future. However, Egyptians future including the whole of Egypt was already decided behind closed doors, in settlements between MC and MB!
The attack on armed forces in Sinai and the death of 16 brave solders was another part of the DEAL which lead to honourable retirement of all old MC and commanding officers, including General Omar Souleiman (R.I.P) whose sudden death is still a question mark, no one ever officially denied being murdered or just natural causes. 
I do not need to re-iterate how Dr. Morsy was announced winner – who never got real majority- all those rumours or facts are already known! I just put together pieces of the picture as the become facts well known! 
This 16 dead solders, of Sinai was to give the clear excuse to Dr. Morsy to change the Army leaders and officially take them off the picture and let them enjoy their stolen wealth and get away with their crimes! The Army leaders officially failed to protect the country their change was a MUST!
The army large action to take over the control of Sinai has reached a STOP, because the Sinai underground world is another story I will write about it next week some facts the are and were unfolded by CNN documentaries about the traffic of not only drugs but people and even worst dismembered people killed for a kidney or lung to be sold! But as I said this is another story to write about it next week as for now I let the picture become clearer and clearer wondering to which extend we are going to stay inactive watching conspiracies around Egypt and no Egyptian yet said STOP PLAYING WITH OUR FUTURE EGYPTIAN FUTURE TO BE DECIDED ONLY BY TRUE EGYPTIANS AND GOD BLESS EGYPT!