• 15:01
  • Tuesday ,09 October 2012

US Foreign Policy is Responsible for Forcing Migration, Displacement, and Massacring of Coptic Egyptians

By-Voice of copts

Top Stories


Tuesday ,09 October 2012

US Foreign Policy is Responsible for Forcing Migration, Displacement, and Massacring of Coptic Egyptians

 US anti-Christians policy, demonstrate that the US Department of State, backed Muslim Brotherhood and Salafists of Al-Qaeda against Egyptian Christian Copts.US foreign Policy seem determined to transform Egypt into a theocratic, fascist, anti-Christian regime.

Contrary to the drivel being reported in US and Israeli media about their "fears" of Islamism in Egypt, the US and Israel fully support the Brotherhood and the Salafists. With the signing of the Camp David Accords, Islamic terrorism started in Egypt against Egyptian Coptic Christian, then speared all over the world and eventually hit the US soil twice, on 1993, and 2001.
US supported the Mujahideen in Afghanistan in the 1980s to fight the Soviets and, more importantly, propped up the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt while the Saudis financed the Salafists, a Wahabbi Isalmist sect.
To make matters worse for Egyptian Copts, severe economic strangulation imposed on Copts by destroying their businesses, homes, farms, and expelling them from their jobs.
Therefore, the reports that the USA and Israel are fearful of Islamism in Egypt, and support for democracy is a myth: they support it fully.
The US and Israel support political Islam in Egypt, while aboriginal Egyptian Copts are totally excluded. True democracy and secularism in Egypt is the last thing the US and Israel want. Because of this one-sided foreign policy, the Coptic Christians and the true revolutionaries suffer.
US foreign policy is sharing responsibility by allowing Islamic terrorism growing up, and attacking US, and now supporting terrorist organization taking over Egypt, Tunisia, and Libya.
US foreign policy turn a blind eye in anti-Christian policy in its closing relation and closure with Salafists, MB in Egypt at the expense of Egyptian secular forces.
US foreign policy is waging wars against Christians all over the World and became a driving force for anti-Christian forces and sentiment.
The only hope now is to drastically change foreign policy. The American people must take US foreign policy from corporate and lobbyists. The foreign policy must be used to advance the interests of the American people and no one else.
Finally, the 1% should not monopolize the US foreign policy and using it to help anti-Christian forces to satisfy the ideology of hatred and racism at the expense of American taxpayer’s money and blood.