• 21:54
  • Wednesday ,24 October 2012

Thugs seize houses of Coptic emigrants and report the police against them!

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Wednesday ,24 October 2012

Thugs seize houses of Coptic emigrants and report the police against them!

Magdi Shohdy, lawyer, told Copts United that after Rokaya Mohammed Tamam had seized the houses of a number of Coptic emigrants, her niece, Noha Mohammed Tamam, and Mahmoud Mohammed Sabra, her friend, have reported the police against some of those Copts claiming they had attacked them!

Shohdy added that Rokaya and her gang have attacked him in his law office and threatened to kill him and burn his office.
It's worth mentioning that a number of Muslims support the Copts as they know that Rokaya and her friends are but a gang.