• 13:16
  • Wednesday ,20 January 2010

At least 4 killed by Heavy rains, flash floods in Egypt

BY-Egypt News

Home News


Wednesday ,20 January 2010

At least 4 killed by Heavy rains, flash floods in Egypt
Rains washed away mud brick houses in southern Egypt killing two women, and in Israel a woman drowned when her car was caught in a flash flood.
A British tourist was killed when a yacht capsized in bad weather on the Nile, Egyptian police said.
More than a dozen people are still missing in the resort city of Sharm el-Sheik, where one woman was killed and the roof of the airport was damaged.
The holidaymaker, who has not been named, was with three others when their boat overturned in the southern city of Aswan in heavy winds and sudden rain.
Three other tourists, including the man's wife, an Indian and a Canadian tourist survived the capsize, an Egyptian police spokesman said.
Israel temporarily closed its border crossings with Egypt and Jordan due to the heavy rains, and a bridge collapsed near a cargo crossing between Egypt and Israel.
Flooding also wiped out communication lines in Sharm el-Sheik and destroyed two dozen homes in Ras Sudr.
Flash floods overcame dams in northern Sinai, local officials said, and flood waters are approaching the city of al-Arish, killing one man there.
In the Red-sea port of Hurghada a woman drowned when flooding swept her off the main road.
Five Egyptian ports were closed due to the unpredictable weather.