• 14:55
  • Thursday ,15 November 2012

Brotherhood campaigns to spread 'chastity' at Alexandria University

By-Almasry Alyoum

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Thursday ,15 November 2012

Brotherhood campaigns to spread 'chastity' at Alexandria University

 Students belonging to the Muslim Brotherhood at Alexandria University inaugurated a campaign Wednesday to spread ‘chastity’ and promote a return to Islamic values such as modesty, as well as to discourage pornography.

A statement issued by the Muslim Brotherhood said the campaign will address addiction to pornographic websites and attempt to provide tools and solutions.
The movement would encourage “turning a blind eye to the opposite sex and refraining from [committing] sins, to create [an atmosphere of] ‘chastity’ within the student community, so that the energies of young people would not be wasted on prohibited paths leading to the destruction of society,” the statement added.
Campaign organizers, aiming to reach 10,000 students at the university, put up posters explaining the objectives of the campaign, and are planning to hold events and seminars.  
Last week, Public Prosecutor Abdel Meguid Mahmoud ordered the communications and information technology minister, the interior minister and the head of the National Telecommunications Regulatory Authority to block pornographic websites pursuant to a 2009 administrative court ruling.   
Public Prosecution spokesperson Adel al-Saeed claimed that pornographic websites show images that are contrary to the values and traditions of Egyptian society and the country's national interest.
The original lawsuit to block pornographic websites was filed by a group of young people calling themselves the PURE Net campaign.