• 12:28
  • Wednesday ,02 January 2013

Egypt orders 15-day detention for Israeli

by USA Today

Copts and Poliltical Islam


Wednesday ,02 January 2013

Egypt orders 15-day detention for Israeli

Egyptian security officials say a former sergeant in the Israeli army has been ordered detained for 15 days for investigation into his illegal entry from Israel into the Sinai Peninsula.

The authorities say the 24-year-old unarmed Israeli has been in custody since Friday. They announced the arrest Monday.
The officials said Tuesday he is under investigation in the Red Sea resort town of Sharm el-Sheikh for allegedly trying to reach the Gaza Strip through Sinai. They have identified him as Andrew Yaacoub Cheteko.
Known in Israel as Andre Pshenichnikov, the Jewish immigrant from Tajikistan made headlines last year when he announced he wanted to move to a West Bank refugee camp in solidarity with Palestinians there.
The security officials spoke on condition of anonymity in line with regulations.