• 23:17
  • Monday ,14 January 2013

Open Letter to the World

J.M Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Monday ,14 January 2013

Open Letter to the World

Inspired by the great article of El Gammal Great but will Obama listen?? I doubt it I would love to send as well an open letter to the WORLD not just Obama as it seems to me the Obama administration had been occupied by Muslim Brotherhood or its supporters starting with the personal secretary of Mrs. Clinton a Muslim Sisterhood member and many more. I do understand in this free civilised world equal chances are given to people regardless of their colour, ethnicity or religion (which unfortunately is not the case in Egypt) and some MB or its supporters could infiltrate in the administration of any country that is of no threat at that moment but as time passes it becomes an obvious WORLD SPRING not just ARAB SPRING as Mrs Clinton said.

Years ago as a great Egyptian writer M. Waguih Abaza wrote an article describing MB as the bloody gang all their history was covered with blood and assassinations even the British who financed and helped Hassan El Bana create the Muslim Brotherhood were not spared as a thank you for your assistance by the killing of Sardar British Sir Lee Stack in 1924, Britain which financed through MI5 its intelligence the creation of Hassan El Bana MB!
It is documented and well known they did finance the creation of MB the reasons are not clear was it as a precaution from unexpected alliance or fears from it with the WWII Britain’s enemy Germany as an attempt to seek liberation from Britain’s occupation to Egypt and expected some support from MB who turned against them?
Was the killing of Sardar British Sir Lee Stack in 1924 the only assassination MB took part of it? Nocrashy Basha was another victim, and even Nasser was targeted by MB in an attempt to jump on power!
It is well known Colonel Jamal Abd El-Nasser and as well Mohamed Anour El Sadat both were members of MB driven by great expectations and fooled by bright ideas never meant to be true or real policy for MB, over the years lot was uncovered and conspiracies exposed, and members of MB when they saw the true face of MB resigned and left the group, and Nasser was one of them, he started his revolution of July 23 with their support then when he left them they tried to assassinate him it is not allowed to quit the MB after you discovered their true face! 
Surviving the assassination attempt angered Nasser, and they did try to BURN CAIRO in the so called and famous Cairo Fire! His reaction lead to put most MB in jail for years and become a public enemy under strict observation!
However Sadat who feared Communists occupation of Egypt and thought best defence from Atheism of Communists was extreme Religion of MB but hell no loyalty to the guy who on once again opened the jail doors to them seeking their support and once again they were not loyal but to their weird principals and Sadat was assassinated by them!
This is the Gang Abaza talked about them years ago, but we do not read or listen until too late, this Gang has no respect or loyalty but to their leader the MORSHED -which means in Arabic lead that directs people to their path- which path? The path of twisted Religious principal extracted from their Holly Book Koran under different circumstanced leading to contradictory principals! Like women are missing intelligence and faith! Almighty God created a missing human being 20% of a human we call it WOMEN!
To the world as I explain to them what MB is I which to remind them that good intentions might lead to creating monsters out of control! Like the states in its efforts to help Afghanistan against the Soviet occupation they created a monster -Lin Laden- that soon enough turned against their creator, and like MI5 who helped creating MB and soon enough lost its Serdar in Egypt this type of CREATURES become monsters and they have no mercy to any one creator or not!
The world supporting MB under the HUMAN RIGHTS ACT are stealing from EGYPT their own HUMAN RIGHTS. 
In old times countries would prepare armies to invade another country in today’s world policies had changed Iran tries to invade Syria supporting a dictator and the world is watching they do not want to interfere with internal affairs of a country! But they kept watching too long the massacres in Libya and when decided to step down in the crisis they opened the doors to a new type of dictatorship the religious dictatorship!
In this letter to the world I do not ask them to fight for Egyptians; Egyptians can very well defend their country against Qatar, Iran or Hamas even Wahabis with their strict
Religious views that they can not discuss within the Saudi Arabian Kingdom but trying to spread else where!
In this open Letter to the world I’m just warning them to open their eyes see the truth as it is not what the Qatar propaganda is feeding the world see the men and women in the streets being killed by militants of Hamas or Qatar who pretend to be Egyptian supporters of Morsy cause Morsy lost his popularity; excuse me I have to correct and say his FAKE popularity the day he tried to rip off Egyptians from their HUMAN RIGHTS! 
The world that saw and said Egypt is heading to his worst Dictatorship era has to stop his support to MB and this means no deals no under the table agreements for MB never respected a promise or agreement, if Marshal Tantawy had made an agreement does it mean he is safe somewhere or may be in some jail no body knows but for sure he was not invited in the October 6th. Anniversary that he was part of its creation!
To the world and M. Obama included I say if you do not weak up and review your policies with MB I borrow the words of Ms Rawya El Gammal and say 
[Mormons will not take over just the STATES they intend to take over the whole world not with Mormons but with Morshed FOLLOWERS like Morsy who has no word or say he just executes the orders of the Morshed!!
Weak up before too late save yourselves cause Egyptians know their destiny and are capable to fulfil what is written for them, God bless Egypt and Egyptians