• 02:05
  • Wednesday ,23 January 2013

Manage our life as deemed fit

Sherif Mansour

Article Of The Day


Tuesday ,22 January 2013

Manage our life as deemed fit

Many obstacles encounter our life. Therefore, we repeat at each mass saying: Manage our life as deemed fit! Will God manage our life as deemed fit even if we don't have a good relationship with Him? The answer is: Yes. He really does and gives us many chances to live with Him.

During the past few years, church has been suffering a lot, but has always prayed: Manage our life as deemed fit. Later, after the departure of His Holiness Pope Shenouda III, church mourned saying: Manage our life as deemed fit.

God provided another leader for His Church, Pope Tawadros II who kept it in peace. We now believe that God will always manage our life as deemed fit. However we are so weak, we know that our Lord said to us: be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.

We believe that God manages everything and not a hair of our head shall be lost. We pray that God may spread love among us, and that God may unite His Church into one holy catholic and apostolic Church, as deemed fit.

The last time I met with the late Pope Shenouda III, I told him that Egyptian Churches complete one another; Coptic Orthodox Church is a spiritual one that saved the Christian faith along centuries in Egypt. It has offered the world martyrs as well as monasticism. Moreover, Catholic Church has carried the gospel all over the world. Evangelical Church has given great concern to the bible. It translated the holy bible into different languages. Orthodox Church is the one of spirit, Catholic Church is the one of spirit of service, and the Evangelical Church is the church of serving the gospel. Let's pray that all Churches unite into one holy catholic and apostolic church, and may God manage our life as deemed fit.

In fact, Dr. Rev. Safwat al-Bayadi, head of the Evangelical Community, once told me that God is gathering Egyptian Churches into the Council of Egyptian Churches, to unite His Church and manage our life as deemed fit.