• 00:27
  • Friday ,08 February 2013

Samalut Diocese: Police don't protect the Copts!

by Girgis Bushra

Top Stories


Friday ,08 February 2013

Samalut Diocese: Police don't protect the Copts!

Father Estifanous Shehata, deputy of Samalut Diocese told Copts United that the police don't protected the Copts against the robbery of their lands, or kidnapping the Copts.

He added that police has not offer any help to the family of Ezzat Kromer, the abducted physician, whose family had to pay 275.000 EGP ransom to get him back.
Estifanous called the police to apply the law and to protect the Egyptian citizens including the Copts who are suffering severely without getting any help from the police.