• 19:17
  • Thursday ,21 February 2013

As I'm approaching thirty

Basant Mousa

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,21 February 2013

As I'm approaching thirty
Few weeks later, I will celebrate my thirty birthday. I'm so happy to celebrate it, and get rid of many bad experiences during the last two years that really had bad effects on me. 
Now, I'm ready to be treated as an adult, as in my community, people mostly care about my age rather than my intellect. I'm going to find out if it's true that a woman in her thirties experiences her highest level of psychological and physical maturity.
I declare that last two years of my life were full of hardships and losses, as well as knowledge and experiences. However, I've learnt a lot during these couple of years.
I have learnt that a smart woman is so attractive for men who try to reach her and use her to satisfy their selfishness. They keep using her but they don't really respect her mind and never consider her intellect.
I've learnt that sometimes we create our own monsters and fear them. This is a big mistake that makes us lose our self-confidence. Rather, we should try to face our fears and I'm sure that we'll learn a lot.
In order to be happy, you don't have to be a friend or even be married to someone else, as such person may be a huge pain in the neck. You have to keep your balance no mater what happens, and try to enjoy your life as well as to enjoy working and worshipping.
You should listen to your intuition, as it may lead you to find many things out, like those who let you down, and those who don't even care for you. Finally, those who really love you won't simply let you go out of their lives.