• 01:43
  • Monday ,25 February 2013

Egypt: Rights Groups Accuse President of Covering Up for Protesters Killing

by AllAfrica

Home News


Monday ,25 February 2013

Egypt: Rights Groups Accuse President of Covering Up for Protesters Killing

Fourteen rights group said on Saturday that having two years pass by without presenting the ones responsible for killing protesters on the Friday of rage in 2011 to trial, despite the conclusion of investigations, is a violation of the sovereignty of law and a persistence of the policy of impunity.

The lawyers of the Arabic Network for Human Rights Information filed on Saturday a lawsuit to identify the ones responsible for cutting off communications services and holding them accountable as an accomplice to murder.
On Friday 28 January 2011 known as 'Friday of Rage' authorities had cut off all internet and cellphone services in an attempt to disrupt the protests.
In a statement published on Saturday, the Rights groups accused President Mohamed Mursi of participation in concealing the persons involved in the killing or protesters, saying that he failed to keep his promises to restore the rights of the martyrs.
They also criticized Mursi for ignoring the military prosecutor's covering up for suspects involved in killing protesters.
The Rights groups pointed that the military prosecutor stalled this case and prevented it from being sent to the court, which counts as a legal offence and therefore a merit for accountability.