• 01:02
  • Tuesday ,26 March 2013

Amr Morsy: Burning the liberals and media production city is our next revolutionary job!


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Tuesday ,26 March 2013

Amr Morsy: Burning the liberals and media production city is our next revolutionary job!

Amr Mohammed Morsy, son of the Egyptian president, said on Twitter that burning media production city is a revolutionary work and national duty as well.

We don't have only to burn the headquarters of the liberals, but rather to burn the liberals themselves, he added.
He addressed Naguib Sawiros, Amr Hamzawy and Abdul Halim Qandil saying: Burning you is our next revolutionary job!
He concluded with a quote from Quran: “And never think that Allah is unaware of what the wrongdoers do. He only delays them for a Day when eyes will stare [in horror]”.