• 11:19
  • Wednesday ,17 April 2013

Destroy the Copts in order to destroy Egypt!

Sherif Mansour

Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,17 April 2013

Destroy the Copts in order to destroy Egypt!
The Muslim Brotherhood group has become so arrogant after having a number of fake achievements. For instance, winning the forged presidential elections, drafting the disagreeable constitution, and fighting with the judiciary. Moreover, they arrested and killed many political activists and patriots.
The Muslim Brotherhood thought that the Egyptians will be fooled forever by their unkind electoral bribes. However, the deteriorating economy and security have exposed them making the people hate them more and more. 
Now that they were uncovered, they kept thinking how to divide the people and scatter them in order to make them unable to regroup. They knew that a sectarian strife has a loud voice to achieve such result that can-cover for their crimes. 
After they have tried everything with the Copts, including persecuting them, kidnapping their children, burning their churches, accusing them of various accusations in order to defame them along with their leaders, they thought that driving the Copts crazy and force them to fight back, even for once, will take the sectarian strife to a whole new level. 
Therefore, they attacked the Great Cathedral of St. Mark, the biggest symbol of the Coptic Christians and the house of the Pope after a funeral for innocent Christians who were killed in front of their churches, hoping only that the Copts would finally fight back using some weapons from the imaginary hidden armory. However, they discovered that the Copts have nothing but pure love for their homeland as well as faith that God will surely revenge for their sufferings.
The Muslim Brotherhood knew that in order to destroy Egypt, they have to destroy the Copts first. I wonder: Will they succeed!