• 14:11
  • Tuesday ,23 April 2013

Christians shouldn't fear persecutions and tribulations

Bishop Krikor Augustine

Article Of The Day


Tuesday ,23 April 2013

Christians shouldn't fear persecutions and tribulations
Recent attacks on St. Mark Cathedral in Abbassya, encountered violence, terror, murder and harassment. The whole world as well as human conscience were shocked, and many hearts were driven to despair. In fact, our Christian history tells us that Christianity was born under much more difficult circumstances, even since Christ was born. Each time Christians gather to perform their  prayers, they remember Christ saying: “In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”
Christianity doesn't fear persecutions and tribulations, as they are considered but live offerings offered to God. Today, Church is renewed each time we celebrate Mass with divine power. She takes power from the cross of Jesus Christ against any despair. 
God granted us to live in Arab countries at the time they experience revolutions and political unrest for some reason. We share both pain and happiness with our brothers from different religions and sects. Offering love to them shows our active faith.
Christians who represent their faith should always remember the message of Christ who had overcome the world. We carry the good news of Jesus Christ and the teachings of His Church. Therefore, we have to do our duty as good citizens. Moreover, we shouldn't be contempt for others' religion because of the acts of few ignorant people.
Despite all, martyrs of the Great Cathedral, the Saints Church, Maspero, Tahrir Square, Port Said, and all Egyptian Squares where innocent people were killed. Their blood will be demanding not only justice, but also forgiveness for the ignorant killers. Christians will always have hope, love and forgiveness for all people learning from the bible teachings that enlighten our way.