• 02:49
  • Friday ,06 June 2014

The title is nationality

Michel Fahmy

Article Of The Day


Friday ,06 June 2014

The title is nationality

The official results of the first decent and transparent presidential elections in the history of Egypt brought Field Marshal Abdul Fattah al-Sisi with sweeping victory after unprecedented popular campaign without electoral bribes.

Such neutralism and transparency were recognized by all international observation delegations from Europe, Africa, the Middle East as well as the local organizations.
The Egyptian people became so happy to hear the results of the election. Furthermore, the Muslim Brotherhood and the Islamists have lost their face after such great participation of the Egyptian people and their unity. 
Soon, many countries congratulated Egypt on the new president, and the state started preparing for the official inauguration of Sisi.
At the end of his presidency, the interim president Adly Mansour issued a law to force respecting the Egyptian flag and national anthem. The law stipulates people should stand up out of respect when the national anthem is played. Now the national anthem should be respected by those who refused to stand out of respect to it, I mean the Salafists.