• 15:24
  • Wednesday ,18 November 2015

Food comes first

Ezzat Boulos

Article Of The Day


Wednesday ,18 November 2015

Food comes first

The Egyptian society has changed a lot after the revolution of January 25. This revolution therefore gave life to the people who were considered dead. The Egyptian president announced that the current situation is challenging. Thus, we have to work hard for the sake of our country.

With several achievements, the Egyptian people were reassured and asked for more prosperity without more work. Many people thought that prices will go down and food will go cheaper. They forgot that several challenges are facing the country including terrorism that aims to destroy the state by all means.
After the world war II, the allies destroyed several German cities along with the German economy. Moreover, 6 million soldiers were killed in the war. However, the German people decided that abstinence policy is the answer.
They didn’t revolt against their government, but rather realized the importance of hard working. Therefore, Germany became in few years one of the biggest economies in the world.
The Egyptians are in really bad situation that they have to live in austerity and stop the bad habit of cooking more food than needed and then throw it away.  They have to give greater concern to birth control before it is too late. 
Employers don’t care much about the accuracy of their work. University students are willing to do anything to make money or to migrate from this country. They may work to make some money and then spend the rest of the time as couch potatoes until the money is gone. They expect the government to feed and find work for lazy workers. In fact, we have to change our habits in order to reach a prominent position among the nations. We are too spoiled by our mothers as well as the government. We have to stop thinking that food comes first before working.