• 01:09
  • Thursday ,18 May 2017

Fifth column moves from terrorism to infidelity accusations

Suleiman Shafik

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,18 May 2017

Fifth column moves from terrorism to infidelity accusations

Pope Francis’ visit to Egypt brought seeds of unity and love, but Christians decided to refuse the decisions of unity between Catholic and Coptic Orthodox Churches. Moreover, the dark forces in Egypt decided to beat all the results of this visit by declaring Christianity a corrupt doctrine and declaring Christians as infidels.

Statements of Sheikh Salem Abdul Jalil violate the successive constitutions of Egypt starting with 1923 till the current one since they state that Egyptians are equal before the law and enjoy equal civil and political rights.
Unfortunately, Sheikh Salem and his supporters didn’t start such attitude, as other Sheikhs like Yasser Bohamy used to issue fatwas that are documented on the official website of the Salafist Call. Yet, the great disaster is that such explanations come out from Sheikh Salem, who was a member of the committees to renew the religious discourse, and Sheikh Abdullah Rushdie, Secretary of Religious Affairs in the Future Party, who have strong ties with the regime, which shows that the attitude of calling the Copts infidels is taking an official form.
The goal of renewal of religious discourse changed to be the rescue of the civil state against religious state and retardation. The dark ages are coming back in Egypt with terrorism advocated in small unlicensed mosques and media.
How can we face such serious danger with the law? In fact, such fatwas and statements threaten our national unity more than terrorist attacks and killing. 
The Attorney General opened investigation in the case, but I hope that he orders to prevent publishing about the case in media in order to preserve social peace and the integrity of national unity.
Discussing such matters before the public brings Sharia to confront the Constitution. It gives permission to call Christians infidels in such critical moment that needs our unity above all. Lord have mercy and Long live Egypt.