• 12:33
  • Friday ,22 September 2017

US and the double standard

Magdy Malak

Article Of The Day


Saturday ,23 September 2017

US and the double standard

I had chance to watch the US presidents speech yesterday as part of following and trying to find out what would be his focus in his first speech in UN.

The US president talked about many issues like Israel and the conflict Middle east, reconsider the nuclear weapon agreement with Iran, the threats that North Korea represents, the dictatorship in Venezuela, human rights in Africa and the American aid to those countries especially in south Sudan, fighting Isis in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, and finally talking about the UN itself and it should play more important roles in the international conflicts.
Totally, I agree with Trump on some of what he has talked about, for example the reform of UN, fighting terrorism and “Isis” in the middle east, not imposing the American culture on other nations, facing the threats comes from North Korea.
Having said that, I dont agree with him on many other subjects, like for example attacking the dictatorship in Venezuela and appraising the dictatorship in Saudi Arabia and you might ask why this double standard, simply because Saudi Arabia paid for Trump to be silent and US accepted that for sure after Saudi Arabia bought weapons from US for more than about 300 Billion dollar.
In conclusion, I want to invite president Trump and US to stop this double standard in dealing with the nations. I believe that US will lose more allies by adopting this approach in the international relations.