• 10:48
  • Thursday ,14 February 2019

The ‫ Creed‬

By-‬Samia Ayad

Article Of The Day


Thursday ,14 February 2019

The ‫ Creed‬

Christ did not leave us a specific textbook to memorize it, and has not handed a creed to the disciples, but only gave them the principles of love, holiness and justice through which, they were guided by the Holy Spirit and wrote the creed to be widely accepted by Christians all over the world.

This was explained by Father Youhanna Nasief, the priest of the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Chicago, in his article  the formation of the creed  in which he assured that it was written thanks to the holy spirit. In the first church, it was a simple statement of the basic beliefs before accepting baptism which was referred by St. Paul saying  Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.   (1 Timothy 6: 12)  
After the advent of Aryan heresy in the early fourth century, the need arose for the development of a more detailed creed accepted by all the churches of the world. Thanks to the work and guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Fathers reached a concise version of the creed during the Council of Nicaea in 325 AD. In the Council of Constantinople in 381 AD, the intro of the creed was completed.
The Church is a living being that grows by the Holy Spirit in love, thought, spirit, and witness to the whole world.